A hope that was kindled by Corona

14 March 2020: I woke up to an email from the CEO of our company that he had sent to the entire organisation. The content of the email was not very surprising. It,  among other concerns asked all the employees to work from home, globally. This request was part of a measure taken by various organisations to curtail the…

And then I Tri-ed

Let it pass It must have been around the twin hills 2018, when I was at an LBS getting my bike serviced for the ride. I heard it for the first time that the Ironman event was going to be opened for registrations. I just let it pass. Having learnt swimming just a couple of…

My sky, my limit…

A year ago, I rode my first BRM. Just September this year I competed my first ever SR (one each of 600k, 400k, 300k and a 200k) series. I used to look at the BRM calendars during the earlier seasons. I saw one week SRs that used to happen in the Delhi circuit. I seriously…

A 400k, Under the summer Sun

Bracing up I didn’t bother looking at the weather forecast. I knew too well what to expect from the weather God at this time of the year. In spite of the Karaga rains last week. It was hot and bang in the middle of summer, what would you expect? Hot long days with a lot…

Absent minded brevet…

On the saddle the whole day, what a way to spend the (Hindu, Lunar) new year’s eve? This was my first ride after the bike fail at Yercaud. A broken bike and a few lame excuses kept me away from hopping back on the saddle for a while. This was my second 300K for the…

Riders in the storm

After the completion of my 300k BRM to Horsley hills earlier this month. I had trained my eyes on my first SR. I couldn’t ride the 200 and 400s, but registered for the 600, the Twin hills BRM, it would take us from Bangalore to Krishnagiri – Yercaud – Yelagiri and back to Bangalore via…

Monsoon and the changing landscapes.

Monsoon in Bangalore Rain changes the landscape wherever it falls. This time around, it rained in my city like never before, or at least the met department said it was the heaviest rain in the last 20 years. The landscape in Bangalore had changed quite dramatically. With the roads getting waterlogged in many places, and…

Is it OK to ride with a shortened chain?

A couple of days ago, while I was riding around my house on my MTB, the chain snapped. What I’m guessing happened is that I might have continued pedalling even though the chain had not completely shifted. I came home, and removed the broken link and one more link to make sure that I had…

Hassan Express 400, 22 – July – 2017 : My first brevet

It really took me a long time to get introduced to the brevets. That, in spite of having done a couple of “long” rides and being a regular (commuter) cyclist, in my own small way for a reasonably long time (at least 5 years to office if not more).

How to make your ride more efficient and enjoyable?

With the urban spaces getting choked with the ever growing numbers of motor vehicles, cycling off late has become the mode of preferred transport to many. In fact, in many cities, like the one I live in, it is also some times the fastest mode of transport. Cycling is one of the easiest skills to…

Christmas on wheels V2.0 – Us vs the elements

The Build up As soon as we completed the ride to Honnavara, the year before. I had almost decided that I have to do a trip to Ooty, which partially pushed me into buying my Cheetah the Roadie. I found a voice that echoed my feeling towards Ooty in Vishwa, my bike buddy from my…